Fairies and Mystical Creatures 2022
Ray Pague’s Fairies and Mystical Creatures Art Exhibition was first shown at JesseFest in the “Forest Gallery” near Selma, Oregon, in 2022.
This is a collection painted by Ray Pague and Hope Weaver. Hope met Ray and his wife at Art Along the Rogue in 2016, and they admired each other’s work so much that they traded prints that day. What you see below is the wonderful outcome of a collaboration between these two special artists. In short, Ray designed the pieces from his own original concepts, then primed and started the masonite panels with charcoal renderings. Then Hope created the poured elements that add her magical touch. She returned the partially completed paintings to Ray, who continued painting the figures and backgrounds. They enjoyed working together and say the process was inspiring and a lot of fun.
To inquire about available paintings, please contact Ray.